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2020-05-14 12:04 中国新闻资讯 点击次数 :









Introduction to Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center


The Translation Center of Beijing Longquan Monastery (the Center for short) was founded on January 18, 2011. The Center has been committed to multilingual translation and communication of texts explaining Buddhist culture. Its work teams encompass 18 different languages (Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Tibetan, Mongolian, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Myanmese, Hindi, Romanian),and is able to translate for more than 20 languages in total. As an institutional member of the Translators Association of China, Beijing Longquan Monastery is also the first one from the religious sector to join since the Association was founded.


Ven. Wuguang is the Director of the Center and Ven. Xianqing is the Deputy Director. Consisting of four divisions—Activity, Education, Translation and Administration, the Center works with several hundred volunteers in dozens of countries and regions. With guidance of the Longquan Monastery Sangha Community, the Center is exploring new ideas, new methods, and new paths to combine Buddhism with modern society and daily life. While considering alternative strategies, we are careful to keep faith with Buddhism’s broadly understood mission to enlighten lives through compassion and wisdom. As a division of Longquan Monastery, the center plays an important role in promoting Buddhism through Buddhist education, culture and international exchange. It also helps the monastery contribute to the internationalization of Chinese Buddhism and transmission of Chinese culture.


Major responsibilities of the Center include: 1. Recruiting and training volunteers with foreign language ability; 2. Building and maintaining online multilingual platforms; 3. Translating and publishing various books and audio/video products of Longquan Monastery; 4. Organizing and supporting various events of multilingual exchange and international exchange; 5. Providing interpretation and translation services for visitors to the Monastery and international Buddhist and cultural exchanges.


The Activity Division and the Education Division foster Buddhist translators and international talent involved in the transmission of Buddhist precepts. Each also provides support to talented multilingual persons as they learn Buddhism and perform volunteer work.


Of necessity, a constant Internet presence has become integral to our enlightenment efforts. The WeChat public account, “Longquan International” opened on January 1, 2016. Building upon the community’s microblog and website, this multilingual WeChat affords an international platform for Dharma studies and sharing news about daily life in Beijing Longquan Monastery. These social media vehicles promote Dharma transmission domestically and internationally and enable China’s Buddhism to go global. Broadcasting with abundant text, photos, audio and video content, the account had over 25,000 subscribers as of April 30, 2020. The Internet provides a cross-region platform with multilingual translation services that remove the language gap. Its multimedia capacity expands infinitely the monastery’s worldwide presence. By these means, Buddhism is broadcasting fast and far to every region and is efficiently guiding the public within the spiritual world.


Multilingual Internet platforms attract and foster a large number of translators. These volunteers start by translating selected works and sutras. Besides publications, the Center also makes picture albums and brochures to record its development and create bilingual Chinese-English videos like Across the Shores—From Beijing Longquan Monastery to U.S., East Meets West—Beijing Longquan Monastery Delegation’s Visit to Europe. Additionally, the Center provides translation services for the Xian’er animation series.


Translation is the core responsibility of the Center. To improve translators’ proficiency, the Center has, over the past decade, held numerous professional development activities. This work began in 2010 with the first multilingual exchange meeting. Since then, the Center has held various multilingual exchange activities and has invited domestic and overseas high-level translators and professors to share experience and skills. Emphasis has been on the practice of translation and interpretation, cultural transmission, translator training and management. Over the past decade, the Center has sponsored six seminars for translators and interpreters and 11 multilingual exchange events. Concurrently, different language teams have organized for their own members such exchange activities as common translation practices and shared terminology training.


Center personnel actively attend various social and professional events. Recently, these have included: Forum of China Translation Service Industry, Annual Conference of Translators Association of China, China International Language Industry Conference and the International Book Fair. Exchanging experience with translation industry peers, nurtures the growth of the Center leadership and staff.


Besides active domestic exchanges, the Center sent delegations to the United States and Europe in 2012 and 2013. Participants visited 10 Buddhist monastic sites likesuch as The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Hsi Lai Temple and Chuang Yen Monastery, as well as 10 famous universities, e.g., Harvard, Yale, MIT, and the United Nations Headquarters in US. The 27-day European visit covered 19 cities in 7 countries: Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany and Italy. The delegation visited nine monasteries including Fahua Monastery, Thien-Minhtu Monastery, Puhua Monastery and 16 universities including University of Paris, University of Tubingen, and University Autonomy of Barcelona. In addition, their travels took them to 14 Catholic cathedrals including Lisbon Cathedral, and one Protestant church. Later, Longquan Monastery ambassadors paid more and more visits to other countries, making deep and friendly exchanges with other religions, cultures and civilizations.


The Center provides interpretation services to foreign individuals who visit and to international organizations. It has hosted or provided help in receiving dozens of organizations, such as World Fellowship of Buddhists, American United Delegation of Religions, UN Global Compact, and The World Economic Forum. Longquan also welcomes foreign students studying in China, and celebrities such as Paul F. Knitter, Peter M. Sense and Christian Cochini, S.J.


Elaborating on its Buddhist translation expertise, the Center has provided multilingual support for some large-scale Buddhist cultural events. These major undertakings include: Seminar on “Buddhism—Reflection of Asian History and Culture”, 27th World Fellowship of Buddhists, 4th and 5th World Forum of Buddhism. The Forum organizer recognized and expressed appreciation for the team’s quality work and efficiency. CCTV has invited a Translation Center volunteer to a dialogue with the host of its international channel’s live broadcast examining the discovery of the Buddha’s relics in Nanjing Qixia Monastery.


Since its founding, the Center has been the subject of nearly 300 media reports in more than 20 countries and regions. Mainstream Chinese media like Xinhua News Agency, People’s Network and China Daily, and famous international media like BBC and New York Times have all introduced the Center to their readers. By 2016, the Center’s translation content had reached over 690 million people throughout the world. With the maturity, expansion and deepening expertise of its volunteer team, the Center, will be well positioned to translate Buddhist Tripitaka, Chinese classics, as well as other source materials that shed light on the experience of historical development of China’s Buddhism.


What should we inherit from Buddhism and the whole Chinese culture and how can we present them anew? How can we share these rich traditions with people of the world? Answering these questions is Longquan Monastery’s mission, as well as the challenge for the entire Buddhist Community of China. The Center is one of the pioneers exploring how best to achieve these goals. A volunteer organization, the Center continues to develop a more systematic, standardized and professionalized mode of operation. By integrating Buddhist spirit and doctrine into modern life, modern society and modern culture through a combination of physical and virtual means, we strive to overcome the barriers of languages, ethnicities and cultures. While doing so, we can envision the clean stream of traditional Chinese culture, including Buddhism, converging with the big tide of global thoughts and cultures. The Center’s efforts, we believe, will contribute to the elimination of conflicts, violence and even wars caused by misunderstanding among different cultures and to the promotion of world peace.

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