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2022-03-03 15:19 中国新闻资讯 点击次数 :

邢飞,陕西西安人,是我国著名军旅书法艺术家。他与沈鹏、欧阳中石并称中国书法艺术大师。1972 年参加中国人民解放军,参加过对越自卫还击作战。他毕业于空军雷达学院团(营)军事干部指挥班、中央党校领导干部本科班、江苏无锡书法艺术专科学校大专班,曾在南宁市政协书画夜校、中国人民大学艺术学院和北京兰亭书画院四次进修书法及中国画。他 8岁学习书法,1983年5月加入广西书法家协会会员,2003年加入中国书法家协会会员。国家一级美术师,中国将士书画院副院长兼西南分院院长、八一书画院西南分院副院长、邢飞长安书道院院长。2013 年十米书法长卷《中国固土钓鱼岛》在韩国获得中韩文化交流国际书画大赛金奖。2014 年应邀赴美参加中美建交 35 周年书画精品收藏展,2021 年中共党史出版社出版、新华书店发行的《奋斗百年路----共和国时代楷模》一书,依次选载了:习近平、林郑月娥、贺一诚、邢飞、范曾、靳尚谊、任正非、王健林。其作品被国家政协书画院、皇城艺术馆、韶山党支部、井岗山革命博物馆、习仲勋陈列馆、新四军纪念馆等各大博物馆、艺术馆、军界将领、政界领导、驻外使领馆和海内外收藏家广泛收藏。邢飞著有《书法重于继承.艺术贵在创新》的书法理论文章。2021 年荣获“德艺双馨”《人民艺术家》荣誉称号。

Xing Fei, from Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, is a famous military calligraphy artist in China. Together with Shen Peng and Ouyang Zhongshi, he is known as a master of Chinese calligraphy. In 1972, he joined the Chinese people's Liberation Army and participated in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. He graduated from the military cadre command class of the Regiment (battalion) of the air force radar academy, the undergraduate class of leading cadres of the Central Party school, and the college class of Wuxi calligraphy and art college in Jiangsu Province. He studied calligraphy and painting and Chinese painting four times in Nanning CPPCC calligraphy and painting night school, the art school of Renmin University of China and Beijing Lanting calligraphy and painting academy. He studied calligraphy at the age of 8,

He joined Guangxi Calligrapher Association in May 1983 and China Calligrapher Association in 2003. National first-class artist, vice president and President of Southwest Branch of Chinese Army calligraphy and painting academy, vice president of Southwest Branch of Bayi calligraphy and painting academy, and President of Xing Fei Chang'an calligraphy and Taoism Academy. In 2013, the ten meter calligraphy scroll "China's solid soil Diaoyu Islands" won the gold medal in the China South Korea Cultural Exchange International Calligraphy and painting competition in South Korea. *** His works are widely collected by major museums,art galleries, military generals, political leaders, embassies and consulates abroad and collectors at home and abroad, such as the painting and Calligraphy Academy of the CPPCC, Huangcheng Art Museum, Shaoshan Party branch, Jinggangshan Revolutionary Museum, Xi Zhongxun exhibition hall, the New Fourth Army memorial hall and so on. Xing Fei is the author of calligraphy theory article "calligraphy is more important than inheritance.Art is valued in innovation". In 2021, he won the honorary title of "people's artist" with "both virtue and art"


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