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2022-03-02 15:12 中国新闻资讯 点击次数 :

董元英,祖籍山东莱芜;中国国籍;出生老革命红色家庭,气象工程师,现居北京。国家一级书法师,国家高级美术师,中国书法家协会会员;中国美术家协会会员; 中国收藏家协会会员; 国礼艺术家;孔子美术馆客座教授;子曰美术馆副馆长(长期)并颁发此工作室铜制牌匾;2020 年北京国际拍卖行已拍卖"瑞雪兆丰年"成交价 49 万;“心经"国际拍卖 40.25 万(以上雅昌拍卖网可查询),2021 年荣获“国际文化形象大使"及评为中国专题一报道 2021 年国际艺术家;2016 年至 2021 年连继推荐"书画俩会官方媒体报道";″2020 年加入"中国艺术名家档案馆″终身会员;现任中儒文化联盟主席;中国国艺人民书画院副院长; 曲阜鸿儒书画院理事会主席; “福如东海″由中国国家博物馆收藏; 国礼艺术家收藏; 2018 年录为“新华社书画院特聘书画家” 并由国家版权局受理本人作品著作权受权 ;代表作 “厚德载物” “龙飞” 被人民大会堂收藏; 获批中南海国礼; 2018 底荣幸登上美国纽约世界第一大屏幕纳斯达克展播个人作品,2015 年作品"厚德载物"永久屹立在中国新长城上;书画代表作品参展并多次荣获书画类金奖及一等奖等等;并参与多次公益活动。

Dong Yuanying, whose ancestral home is Laiwu, Shandong; Chinese nationality; Born in an old revolutionary red family, he is a meteorological engineer and now lives in Beijing. National first-class calligrapher,national senior artist, member of China Calligrapher Association; Member of China Artists Association; Member of China collectors association; National ceremony artist; Visiting professor of Confucius Art Museum;Confucius Art Museum deputy curator (long-term) and awarded the bronze plaque of the studio; In 2020, Beijing international auction house has auctioned the "auspicious snow and auspicious harvest year" with a transaction price of 490000; The international auction of "Heart Sutra" is 402500 (available from Yachang auction website above). In 2021, it won the "international cultural image ambassador" and was rated as the first international artist of China special report in 2021; from 2016 to 2021, it continuously recommended "official media report of calligraphy and Painting Association"; it joined in 2020 Lifelong member of "archives of famous Chinese artists"; current chairman of China Confucian culture alliance; vice president of China national art people's painting and Calligraphy Academy; chairman of the Council of Qufu Hongru painting and Calligraphy Academy;

"Blessing like the East China Sea" is collected by the National Museum of China; collected by Guoli artists;recorded as "special calligrapher and painter of Xinhua News Agency calligraphy and painting academy" in 2018, and accepted by the State Copyright Administration and authorized the copyright of my work; His representative works "carrying things with great virtue" and "Long Fei" were collected by the Great Hall of the people; Approved Zhongnanhai national ceremony; At the end of 2018, I am honored to be on the world's largest screen in New York, the United States, and display my personal works on NASDAQ. In 2015, the work "carrying things with integrity" will stand permanently on the new great wall of China; The representative works of calligraphy and painting participated in the exhibition and won the Gold Award and the first prize of calligraphy and painting for many times; And participated in many public welfare activities.

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