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2022-03-02 15:13 中国新闻资讯 点击次数 :



二零一五年入编中国集邮总公司出版发行的《映像中国》当代文化名人邮票系列; 二零一七年,作品入选《中美建交 37 周年纪念邮册--中美杰出华人艺术家系列邮票及纪念珍藏册》;二零一八年,为纪念党的十九大胜利召开,中国邮政出版发行了作品明信片;二零一九年庆祝中华人民共和国成立七十周年中国邮政出版发行《文化强民族强》中国书画名家邮册;庆祝中华人民共和国在成立七十周年名家书画展中《原子弹爆炸》,中华人民共和国在成立六十五周年全国书画大赛中《数风流人物》;庆祝中国共产党成立九十周年全国书画大赛《圣地曙光》;全国“神州杯”书画大赛中《中国钓鱼岛》;“美丽中国梦”全国社区书画邀请赛《追梦》;全国国际碑林书画大赛《飞向梦想》,等作品均获得金奖。第七届海峡两岸书画邀请赛《古今两岸情》;第二十九届中日韩邀请展《春风》均获得奖项。作品入选了中央电视台书画频道并得到连年展播。


He Qiujing, pseudonym: Dazhuang, was born in Beijing in 1965. National first-class artist, senior art teacher, vice president of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, director of Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting, director of Chinese young calligraphers and Painters Association, academician of Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting art, visiting professor of Confucius Art Museum, contracted painter of China Internet TV, member of National Artists Association and art consultant of Oriental art world.

He loved Chinese ink painting since childhood and worked in the art group of Beijing hotel in the 1980s, which provided an opportunity to learn painting from masters and a unique painting environment. Among them, he received the personal guidance and instruction of teachers such as Guo chuanzhang, Wang Zhenzhong, Shi Yu and Liu Jungang, which greatly improved his painting. In the long journey of life and art, he has received the support and encouragement of many friends such as Wang Cheng and Zheng Wei. He loves life, cherishes friendship and respects artmore.

In 2015, he was included in the contemporary cultural celebrity stamp series "reflecting China" published and issued by China Philatelic Corporation; In 2017, his works were selected into the "stamp album commemorating the 37th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States - a series of stamps and commemorative collections of outstanding Chinese artists between China and the United States"; In 2018, in order to commemorate the victory of the 19th CPC National Congress, China Post published and issued postcards of works; In 2019, the 70th anniversary China Post published the publication of China's famous book of "strong culture and strong nation", which was celebrated in People's Republic of China. Celebrate the "atomic bomb explosion" in the famous calligraphy and painting exhibition of the people's Republic of China on the 70th anniversary of its founding, and "count romantic figures" in the national calligraphy and painting competition of the people's Republic of China on the 65th anniversary of its founding; Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the national calligraphy and painting competition "the dawn of the Holy Land"; China Diaoyu Islands in the national "Shenzhou Cup" calligraphy and painting competition; "Beautiful Chinese dream" national community calligraphy and painting Invitational Competition "chasing dreams"; The nationalinternational stele forest calligraphy and painting competition "flying to dream" and other works won the gold medal.

The seventh cross-strait calligraphy and painting Invitational Competition "ancient and modern cross-strait feelings"; The 29th China Japan South Korea Invitational Exhibition "spring breeze" won awards. His works have been selected into the CCTV calligraphy and painting channel and have been exhibited and broadcast year after year.

Beijing's "first traveler" calligraphy and painting competition "the ends of the earth are close neighbors" won the prize and was collected by Beijing warmth foundation. Some works are collected by the government, China International Exhibition Center, Beijing Hotel, Ji Xiaolan's former residence, Chinese Artist magazine, friendship World magazine, calligraphy and painting network TV station, dragon voice Chinese Art Museum, human beauty art museum, international science and Peace Forum Organizing Committee, etc.


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