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2022-03-02 15:15 中国新闻资讯 点击次数 :

郑忠华又名中华,笔名山人。1971 年 4 月生,杭州建德人,中共党员、国家一级书法家、当代著名书法家、国礼艺术家、 中国新时代诗人、培训师。名录互联网平台《百度百科》、《360 百科》、《互动百科》、《搜狗百科》、《中国书画家百科》、《中国名人录百科》、《名人词典》、《中国百科》、《美术百科》、《人物百科》等。书法作品多次荣获全国大赛金奖。2014 年荣膺“中华知名专家”荣誉称号,被授予“中国艺术人才”称号、“中国梦优秀艺术家”荣誉称号、荣获“当代硬坛最具实力书法家”荣誉称号和“中国书画名家”荣誉称号,2016 年被授予“中国文化传播大使”荣誉称号、“中国品牌影响力书法家”荣誉称号和“华夏品牌名家榜五星名家”荣誉称号,2017 年被授予“大国名匠艺术家”荣誉称号,2019 年被授予“国礼艺术家”荣誉称号,2020 年被授予“文化品牌*2020 中国书画年度人物”荣誉称号,2021 年纪念中国共产党诞辰 100 周年荣获德艺双馨“人民艺术家”荣誉称号。连续荣获 2013、2014、2015、2016、2017、2018、2019、2020 全国书画 500强。

现为:中国教育学会会员、中国书法家协会会员、中华诗词学会会员、中国楹联学会会员、中国书画家协会副会长、中国国画院书法研究院秘书长、中国剑光书画院理事、中国新时代档案库会员、世界汉语作家协会会员等。书法作品入编《走进艺术大师》、《中国文化艺术人物年鉴》、《中国当代文艺名家名作年鉴》、《大国崛起》等几十本书籍,诗词作品入编《中国当代诗歌大辞典》、《中国当代爱情诗歌精选》、《中华诗词集萃》、《中华诗词歌赋文学精英大辞典》、《四十年华语文坛精品汇编》、《诗中国杂志》第 40 期、《韵墨情雨三部曲*千里思乡情》、《中国现当代作家诗人大词典》、《感动城市的最美诗文》、《中国抗击“冠状病毒”网络前沿诗文典藏》、《感动中国的醉美诗文》、《中国网络诗歌年选 2019》、《中国二十世纪诗歌备忘录》、《中国网络诗歌年选 2020》、《世界名人录》、《中国当代传世诗文大辞典》、《共和国诗人》、《建党百年.文坛先锋作品珍藏版》等几十本书籍。部分作品在《当代文学集萃》、《燕京文化交流》、《文学中国》、《中华诗歌报》等网络平台发表。出版书籍有《郑忠华书法作品集》、《诗意人生--郑忠华诗文精选》。有网络作品推广《诗意人生——郑忠华诗文第一部》、《诗意人生——郑忠华诗文第二部》、《诗意人生——郑忠华诗文第三部》、《诗意人生——郑忠华诗文精选(50 首)》、《为生命创造奇迹——郑忠华诗文选》、《郑忠华散文网络展》、《郑忠华诗文、书法作品联展》、《2019 年郑忠华诗词散文》、《2020 年郑忠华诗词散文》、《生命的轨迹——郑忠华诗文选》、《让生命充满色彩——郑忠华诗文选》、《2011 年之前的诗——郑忠华诗文》、《郑忠华诗文音频制作选用(43 首)》《做最出色的自己——郑忠华诗文欣赏(50 首)》、《活出人生的精彩——郑忠华诗文欣赏(50 首)》、《好好爱自己——郑忠华诗文欣赏(50 首)》、《鹰的重生——郑忠华 2021 诗文欣赏(50 首)》、《最美的遇见——郑忠华诗文欣赏(50 首)》、《是鹰就得飞翔——郑忠华 2021 诗文欣赏(50 首)、《舞出人生的精彩——郑忠华 2021 年经典诗文欣赏(76 首)》、《激发心灵的力量——郑忠华诗文欣赏(50 首)》、《精彩纷呈——郑忠华诗文欣赏 100 首》、《精彩人生——当代知名诗人郑忠华作品集》。百度搜索:郑忠华诗文、郑忠华书法。

Zheng Zhonghua, also known as Zhonghua, is pseudonymous Shanren. Born in April 1971 in Jiande, Hangzhou,he is a member of the Communist Party of China, a national first-class calligrapher, a famous contemporary calligrapher, a national ceremony artist, a Chinese poet of the new era and a trainer. The list includes Internet platforms Baidu Encyclopedia, 360 encyclopedia, Interactive Encyclopedia, Sogou encyclopedia,Encyclopedia of Chinese Calligraphers and painters, Encyclopedia of Chinese celebrities, dictionary of celebrities, Encyclopedia of China, Encyclopedia of art, Encyclopedia of figures, etc. Calligraphy works have won gold awards in national competitions for many times. In 2014, he was awarded the honorary title of "famous Chinese expert", the honorary title of "Chinese art talent", the honorary title of "excellentartist of Chinese dream", the honorary title of "the most powerful calligrapher in the contemporary hard world" and the honorary title of "famous Chinese calligrapher and painter", and the honorary title of "Chinese culture communication ambassador" in 2016 The honorary title of "Chinese brand influence calligrapher" and the honorary title of "five-star famous calligrapher on the list of famous Chinese brands", was awarded the honorary title of "great country famous craftsman artist" in 2017, the honorary title of "national ceremony artist" in 2019 and the honorary title of "cultural brand * 2020 Chinese calligraphy and painting person of the year" in 2020, In 2021, we commemorated the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China and won the honorary title of "people's artist" with both virtue and art. It has successively won the top 500 national calligraphy and painting in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

He is now a member of China Education Society, Chinese Calligrapher Association, Chinese poetry society,Chinese couplet society, vice president of Chinese calligrapher and painter Association, Secretary General of Calligraphy Research Institute of Chinese Academy of traditional Chinese painting, director of China Jianguang calligraphy and Painting Institute, member of China new era archives, member of world Chinese Writers Association, etc. Calligraphy works have been compiled into dozens of books such as walking into art masters,yearbook of Chinese cultural and artistic figures, yearbook of famous works of Chinese contemporary literary and artistic masters and rise of great powers, and poetry works have been compiled into Dictionary of Chinese contemporary poetry, selected Chinese contemporary love poetry, collection of Chinese Poetry, dictionary of Chinese poetry, song and Fu literary elites "Collection of fine works of Chinese language in the past 40 years", "poetry China magazine" No. 40 "," rhyme, ink and rain trilogy * homesickness for thousands of miles "," dictionary of Chinese modern and contemporary writers and poets "," the most beautiful poetry and prose that moved the city "," collection of poetry and prose at the forefront of China's fight against "coronavirus", "drunk and beautiful poetry and prose that moved China", "annual selection of Chinese online poetry 2019" There are dozens of books, such as the memorandum of Chinese poetry in the 20th century, the

2020 annual selection of Chinese online poetry, the world's who's who, the Great Dictionary of Chinese

contemporary poetry and prose, the poet of the Republic, and the collection edition of pioneer works in the literary world in the century since the founding of the party. Some of his works have been published on online platforms such as collection of contemporary literature, Yanjing cultural exchange, China literature, China Poetry daily and so on. Published books include Zheng Zhonghua's calligraphy works collection and poetic life - Selected Poems of Zheng Zhonghua. There are online works to promote "poetic life - Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and prose part I", "poetic life - Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and prose Part II", "poetic life - Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and prose Part III", "poetic life - Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and prose selection (50)","creating miracles for life - Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and prose selection", "Zheng Zhonghua's prose online exhibition" Joint exhibition of Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and calligraphy works,

2019 Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and prose, 2020 Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and prose, the track of life - Selected Poems and prose of Zheng Zhonghua, making life full of color - Selected Poems and prose of Zheng Zhonghua, poems before 2011 - Selected Poems and prose of Zheng Zhonghua "Selection of Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and prose audio production (43)","be the best yourself - Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and Prose Appreciation (50)", "live the wonderful life -Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and Prose Appreciation (50)", "love yourself - Zheng Zhonghua's poetry and Prose Appreciation (50)", "the rebirth of the Eagle - Zheng Zhonghua's 2021 poetry and Prose Appreciation (50)" "The most beautiful encounter - Zheng Zhonghua's poetry appreciation (50)", "an eagle has to fly - Zheng Zhonghua's 2021 poetry appreciation (50)", "dancing the brilliance of life - Zheng Zhonghua's 2021 classic poetry appreciation (76)", "the power to stimulate the soul - Zheng Zhonghua's poetry appreciation (50)","wonderful - Zheng Zhonghua's poetry appreciation (100)" Wonderful life - collection of works of Zheng Zhonghua,a famous contemporary poet. Baidu search: Zheng Zhonghua poetry, Zheng Zhonghua calligraphy.

文人翰墨 天质自然








著名书画评论家 史峰

2020 年 10 月 29 日


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