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2022-03-02 15:14 中国新闻资讯 点击次数 :

明新农,字墨翰,号三山居士,国礼艺术家,是一位自学成才的书画家。1970 年出生于山东青岛平度,自幼酷爱书画艺术,1988 年于潍坊书画函授大学毕业,1992 年于中原书画研究院工作。书画师从朱培尔,张继、朱学达、李金泉、杨俭朴、曾敏智等名家,擅长国画竹、兰、梅、菊等,其中竹子传承郑板桥、苏东坡的艺术神韵,又别出意匠构成鲜明的明氏风格。



Mingxinnong, Mohan, Sanshan resident, Guoli artist, is a self-taught calligrapher and painter. Born in Pingdu,Qingdao, Shandong in 1970, he loved calligraphy and painting art since childhood. He graduated from Weifang correspondence university of calligraphy and painting in 1988 and worked in Zhongyuan Academy of calligraphy and painting in 1992. Calligraphy and painting are taught by Zhu Peier, Zhang Ji, Zhu XueDa, Li Jinquan,Yang Jianpu, Zeng Minzhi and other famous artists. They are good at traditional Chinese painting bamboo,orchid, plum and chrysanthemum. Among them, bamboo inherits the artistic charm of Zheng Banqiao and Su Dongpo,and forms a distinctive Ming style.

Respecting tradition and advocating nature, his works have both national characteristics and the fashion of the times. His works have participated in calligraphy and painting exhibitions at home and abroad for many times. The word "Shou" has won gold, silver and bronze awards on both sides of the prince's cup. His works have been selected into the Grand View of calligraphy and painting on both sides of the prince's cup and the dictionary of celebrities on both sides of the Strait. Many of his free and easy, natural and vivid calligraphy and painting works have traveled across the ocean and have been collected by overseas Chinese in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

He is now a national first-class artist, art consultant of Oriental art world, senior calligrapher and painter of China Academy of calligraphy and painting, director of Beijing Calligraphy and Painting Association,researcher of China calligraphy and painting research center, member of China Qingdao Artists Association,painter of China Qilu calligraphy and Painting Research Institute, calligraphy and painting director of World Kite Capital art garden, member of Weifang calligrapher and painter Association, art member of Confucius Art Museum Vice president of Gaomi culture and Art Exchange Association in Weifang, Shandong Province, member of the joint Art Association of new literary and art groups, distinguished painter, etc.

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